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The Hound Trainer™ Dog Trainer

$29.99$36.9919% off

(4.8) 931 Reviews

Brand: 1 Hound Trainer

1 Hound Trainer
2 Pack - House & Car Bundle ( Most Popular )
3 Pack


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Material : Abs

If you are sick and tired of unwarranted dog barking, poor behavior, or even unruly wild dogs, then we have the solution just right for you.

Introducing The hound trainer™ Dog Trainer the ultimate handheld device used to train your dog to stop barking!

Our anti barking dog device is equipped with proprietary ultrasonic emitters that effectively get any dogs' attention. The handheld device is lightweight, durable, and even includes a flashlight which is useful for late night walks.

How To Use

Our handheld bark deterrent was created to be a great training tool to teach your dog to stop barking. The ultrasonic sound that is emitted is also 100% safe for your dogs to hear! Although the sound is inaudible to humans, with the press of a button, your dog is affected with a small audible reminder to let them know it's time to stop barking and start paying attention.

Simply flip the switch up to the I setting and with the push of a button you'll grab any rowdy dog's attention. This is your chance to step in and tell your pet "No!". The moment they silence their dog barking is the moment that you praise them for being such a good boy! This positive reinforcement is the key to good barking habits for your dog. In just a couple uses, your dog will recognize the sound and start listening to your commands. That's why our Hound Trainer Anti Barking Device is famed as the best bark deterrent on the market!

How It Works

What Makes The Hound Trainer So Great?

Ultrasound to the Rescue!

The Hound Trainer uses an ultra high pitched sound which humans cannot hear, but which gets your dog's attention right away. The sound is so uncommon to your dog that it stops it in the middle of bad behavior.

Super Simple to Use

The Hound Trainer is so simple to use it will blow you away. Simply get in the line of sight to your barking dog and push the button. When your dog stops barking, praise them. Repeat this process and in no time, you won't even need to push the button anymore.


Our bark deterrent is easy to carry anywhere, and fits perfectly in the palm of your hand and comes with a wrist strap for easy portability. Equipped with a ultra-bright LED light for easy night time use.

100% Harmless

The Hound Trainer uses no chemicals or physical contact that can be harmful to dogs.

You can be confident that your dog will not be harmed by the ultrasonic and visual stimulation that has been developed.

Doggy Benefits

💠 1 - Helps train your dog: A handheld bark control device emits a high-pitched sound that distracts your dog when they bark excessively. Over time, your dog learns that barking excessively leads to an unpleasant sound, and they will reduce their barking. This can help in training your dog to be quieter and more well-behaved.

💠 2 - Discourages any stray or aggressive dogs: If you're out for a walk with your dog and encounter an aggressive or stray dog, a handheld bark control device can be used to emit a high-pitched sound to discourage the other dog from approaching. This can help you and your dog feel more safe and secure during walks.

💠 3 - Acts as a flashlight for protection: Many handheld bark control devices also come equipped with a flashlight feature. This can be useful for walking your dog at night or in low-light conditions, and can also serve as a form of protection if you feel threatened in any way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ultrasonic sound?

Does The Hound Trainer dog bark deterrent hurt my dog’s ears?

Is The Hound Trainer ultrasonic pet trainer and anti barking device harmful to my other pets?

Product Reviews

(4.8) 931 Reviews